Environmental initiatives

Environment policy

The Ferrotec Group recognizes that protecting the global environment is one of the major challenges of mankind. We aim to minimize the impact on the global environment by promoting environment-friendly production activities and product offering based on our environmental management system.

  1. Our company will try to reduce environmental impact by understanding the impact of business activities on the environment and implementing continuous improvement of environmental protection activities.
  2. Our company will strive to conserve the environment by complying with environment-related laws and regulations.
  3. Our company will widely contribute to society through an approach to environmental conservation activities ranging from the community to global scale by obtaining the cooperation of all employees and business partners.
  4. This environmental policy will be publicly announced as well as notifying employees.

Environmental management system framework

ISO14001 certification status

Overseas sites
Region Company Certification date
Asia Hangzhou Dahe Thermo-Magnetic Electronics Co., Ltd. April 2001
Asia Shanghai Shenhe Thermo-Magnetic Electronics Co., Ltd. March 2000

Green procurement

For environment-friendly manufacturing, we have established a basic policy of not purchasing, using, or selling materials containing prohibited substances in an amount that exceeds the specified amounts in material procurement with low environmental impacts. We will strive to conserve the global environment in cooperation with our suppliers by preferentially procuring materials from suppliers that are actively involved in environmental conservation.

Related Documents
Compliance with the China RoHS directive

With the enforcement of the Administrative Measure on the Control of Pollution Caused by Electronic Information Products (China RoHS directive), we place the recycling mark on packing materials used for any exports to China. * Materials requiring the mark: Cardboard boxes (on the exterior surface)

Initiatives of Ferrotec Material Technologies

Under the “Eco-Action 21” guidelines formulated by the Ministry of Environment, Ferrotec Material Technologies accurately analyses the impact of our business activities on the environment, sets environmental objectives, reviews them regularly and strive to maintain and improve our corporate environmental management.

Plant Registered Date
Kansai Plant Eco-Action 21 Qualified Jun - 2018
Ishikawa Plant Eco-Action 21 Qualified Jan - 2005
R&D Center Eco-Action 21 Qualified Jun - 2018